I am a PhD student co-advised by Dr. Kelly Boyle (UNO) and Dr. Guillaume Rieucau (LUMCON) looking at fine-scale changes in fish behavior in response to floodplain restoration in batture lands located in the Richard K. Yancy Wildlife Management Area. Specifically, I will be looking at changes in schooling behavior, predation strategies, and habitat use of the Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) and Bowfin (Amia calva) in response to these restoration efforts. Additionally, I hope to elucidate any potential impacts that invasive species, such as Asian carps or Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), may have on these species. Finally, I aim to understand how changes in the soundscape of this aquatic ecosystem may affect fish behaviors. To this end I will employ cutting-edge observational methodologies, specifically high-resolution imaging sonar (Adaptive Resolution Imaging Sonar, ARIS 3000) and underwater acoustic recorders coupled with advanced quantitative analysis to monitor behavior, quantify biomass, and measure fine-scale habitat use by native and invasive fish species.
ahquade[at]my.uno.edu |
Kelly S. Boyle